With our online shopping cart, purchasing chemicals from multiple suppliers in a single order is simple. We offer many services to help facilitate your purchase experience. You can carry our entire process to place an online order or submit this list to our purchasing department for evaluation. We will evaluate your submitted orders and bargain for better prices from the market.
Users can add items into shopping cart similar to shopping carts on major e-commerce sites.
Selected compounds can be used and shared differently. eChemPortal can store the cart details under your profile for future use so no need to search these items again. We also allow you store under separate categories.
You can export your shopping cart into various formats for further analysis. Additionally, you can also export your data with chemical properties with addition of chemical structures.
eChemPortal is a simplified Chemical search engine that enables smooth purchasing experience for buyers. Through our eCommerce platform, we can connect your organization to numbers of chemical suppliers. We take pride in developing strong relationships with all our chemical suppliers because it is our partnership that drives eChemPortal towards success.
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